Research areas

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. COVID-19 is now a pandemic affecting many countries globally.

We would like to examine its structure and know how the coronavirus invades the cell and damages it.

Speaker: Dr. Fatemeh Zare-Mirakabad

Here is a comprehensive introduction of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

Speaker: Yasin Rahmani

Structural bioinformatics

  • RNA structure prediction
    • Secondary structure
    • Tertiary structure
    • Complex prediction
      • RNA-RNA interaction
      • RNA-Protein interaction
      • RNA-drug interaction
  • protein structure prediction
    • Secondary structure
    • Tertiary structure
    • Complex prediction
      • Protein-protein interaction
      • protein-drug interaction


  • Drug targeting
  • Drug repositioning

Sequence in bioinformatics

  • Motif finding
  • Genome assembly
    • Denovo Assembly
    • Reference Mapping
  • Haplotype assembly

Biological network

  • Complex detection in Protein-Protein interaction
  • Gene regulatory network reconstruction