"The assessment of similarity vectors of fingerprint and UMLS in adverse drug reaction prediction" *Explain Data & Codes* Delta_1 Dataset : 1-train_data_delta1.mat : Training dataset was obtained from the concatenate of drug similarity vectors and adverse reaction similarity vectors. 2-train_label_delta1.mat : Training dataset label (1: Drug-adverse reaction && 0 : Drug-Indication). 3-test_data_delta1.mat : Test dataset was obtained from the concatenate of drug similarity vectors and adverse reaction similarity vectors. 4-test_label_delta1.mat : Test dataset label (1: Drug-adverse reaction && 0 : Drug-Indication). * The Delta_2 and Delta_3 datasets are similar to the Delta_1 datasets * 1)DRUG_CID_CODE_1430.mat : The CID code of all 1430 Drug (In the Delta_1, Delta_2 and Delta_3 datasets have been used) is given. 2)Drug_INDICATION_CID_CODE_30835.mat : List of drugs that are each associated with an indication (Based on Sider). 3)DRUG_SIDEEFFECT_ASSOCIATION_1430_5868.mat : Drug-adverse reaction association. 4)Fingerprint_Drug_1430.mat : Fingerprint of all drugs. 5)Indication_CUI_CODE_30835.mat : The CUI code of all Indication in Sider. 6)Sideeffect_CUI_CODE_5868.mat : The CUI code of all adverse reactions in Sider. 7)UMLS_SIMILARITY_SIDEEFFECT_5868 : UMLS similarity between all adverse reactions. -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- MF data : *CS_DATA* -> (A. Poleksic and L. Xie, “Predicting serious rare adverse reactions of novel chemicals,” Bioinformatics, vol. 34, no. 16, pp. 2835–2842, Aug. 2018, doi: 10.1093/BIOINFORMATICS/BTY193) 1)ADR_PHENOTYPE_POLEKSIC.mat : List of collections of Poleksic data ADRs names, whose phenotype information is available in the CTD database. 2)ADRNAMEPOLEKSIC5868.mat : The CUI code of all adverse reactions in Poleksic Data. 3)DATA_CS_MODEL.mat : Input MODEL: 3-1. FEATUREVECTORS : Fingerprint of drugs. 3-2. M : Similarity between drugs. 3-3. N_PHENOTYPE : Similarity between adverse reactions based on Phenotype. 3-4. N1 : Similarity between adverse reactions based on UMLS. 3-5. R : Drug-adverse reactions associations. 4)pheno_GOID_Poleksic.mat : ADR-phenotype pairs. 5)SE_PHENOTYPE_ASSOCIATION_POLEKSIC.mat : ADR-Phenotype association matrix. 6)Unique_PHENOTYPE_POLEKSIC.mat : List of phenotypes associated with Poleksic data set ADRs. -------------------------------------- *TMF_DATA* -> (G. X, Z. W, Y. Y, D. Y, T. J, and G. F, “A Novel Triple Matrix Factorization Method for Detecting Drug-Side Effect Association Based on Kernel Target Alignment,” Biomed Res. Int., vol. 2020, 2020, doi: 10.1155/2020/4675395.) 1)ADR_NAME_HAS_PHENOTYPE.mat : List of collections of Mizutani data ADRs names, whose phenotype information is available in the CTD database. 2)ADR_NAME_MIZUTANI.mat : The CUI code of all adverse reactions in Mizutani Data. 3)Drug_CID_MIZUTANI.mat : The CID code of all Drugs in Mizutani Data. 4)Mizutani_dataset.mat : Input MODEL: 4-1. chemical : Fingerprint of drugs. 4-2. side_effect : Drug-sideeffect association matrix. 4-3. Targets : Drug-target association matrix. 5)Phenotype_SE_ASSOciation_ID.mat : ADR-phenotype pairs. 6)SE_PHENO_ASSOCIATION_MIZUTANI.mat : ADR-Phenotype association matrix. 7)Target_name_mizutani.mat : List of targets associated with Mizutani data set Drugs. 8)Unique_Phenotype.mat : List of phenotypes associated with Mizutani data set ADRs. ML_MODEL (code_delta1_NN,code_delta1_RF,code_delta2_NN,code_delta2_RF,code_delta3_NN,code_delta3_RF) : RF MODEL CODE : ...\Machine_learning_models\codes\F_RF_code NN MODEL CODE : ...\Machine_learning_models\codes\F_NN_code RUN_ML_MODEL : code_delta1_NN.m & code_delta1_RF : F_RF and F_NN on DELTA_1. code_delta2_NN.m & code_delta2_RF : F_RF and F_NN on DELTA_2. code_delta3_NN.m & code_delta3_RF : F_RF and F_NN on DELTA_3. Required data (...\Machine_learning_models\datasets) : 1)DRUG_CID_CODE_1430.mat 2)Drug_INDICATION_CID_CODE_30835.mat 3)DRUG_SIDEEFFECT_ASSOCIATION_1430_5868.mat 4)Fingerprint_Drug_1430.mat 5)Indication_CUI_CODE_30835.mat 6)Sideeffect_CUI_CODE_5868.mat 7)UMLS_SIMILARITY_SIDEEFFECT_5868.mat *************************** MF_MODEL (CS_MODEL,TMF_MODEL) : CS MODEL CODE : ...\Matrix_factorization_models\codes\CS_code TMF MODEL CODE : ...\Matrix_factorization_models\codes\TMF_code RUN_CS_MODEL : CS_ORG.m : The original model CS_PHEN.m : Add the ADR phenotype feature to the original model Required data for CS_MODEL (...\Matrix_factorization_models\datasets\CS_DATA) : 1)DATA_CS_MODEL.mat -------------------- RUN_TMF_MODEL : tmf_ORG.m : The original model tmf_PHEN.m : Add the ADR phenotype feature to the original model tmf_TARG.m : Add the DRUG TARGET feature to the original model tmf_PHEN_TARG.m : Add the DRUG TARGET & ADR phenotype features to the original model. Required data for TMF_MODEL (...\Matrix_factorization_models\datasets\TMF_DATA) : 1)Mizutani_dataset.mat ___________________________________________________________________ **Contact us : f.zare@aut.ac.ir & milad1besharati@aut.ac.ir **